Mill Cities Relay Team Registration Information

Registering New Teams:

  1. Press the "Register Relay Teams" button on the Registration page of the Mill Cities Relay website.

  2. Fill in all items in the dialog box describing the team.

  3. The "Team Captain" field is listed in the results, but its significance is up to each club. Some clubs assign a unique captain to each team from the list of runners for that team. Some clubs list the club's Team Coordinator (the person organizing all of the club's MCR teams) as the captain for all of their teams.

  4. The "Contact Email" should generally be the email address of the person registering the team (e.g. the club's Team Coordinator), not the email of one of the runners on the team.

  5. Full teams MUST list five runners. Sunshine start teams MUST list three runners.

  6. The on-line registration process requires a password. The password was given to each club's MCR representative.

  7. Accept the conditions in the waiver by checking the checkbox. The team is running on behalf of the club, and it is the responsibility of the club to ensure that all team participants have agreed to abide by the terms of the waiver.

  8. When all of the information is complete press the "Submit Team List" button below the registration form. If the registration information is accepted your browser will be redirected to a page indicating that the registration was successful and showing the team information. Otherwise, you will be redirected to a page which contains an error message. In this case use the browser's back button to return to the registration form, correct the error and resubmit the registration.

  9. The master list of all registered teams will update immediately when a new registration is completed successfully. To verify that a team was registered, press the "View Team Rosters" button on the Registration page of the Mill Cities Relay website. The new team should appear in the list of all teams. You may have to use your browser refresh button to see recent changes.

Modifying Existing Teams:

  1. Each team in the list of all registered teams has its own "Edit" button to the left of the team information. Press this button for a team in order to edit team information.

  2. In addition to modifying team rosters, you can modify the team name and age/gender division.

  3. The on-line registration edit process requires a password. The password was given to each club's MCR representative.

  4. You will also need to enter the same contact email address as was used when the team was first registered (the contact email address becomes a secondary password for team roster modification).

  5. Accept the conditions in the waiver by checking the checkbox. The team is running on behalf of the club, and it is the responsibility of the club to ensure that all team participants have agreed to abide by the terms of the waiver.

  6. When the information for the team has been edited as desired, press the "Modify Team Roster" button below the edit form. If the edited information is accepted your browser will be redirected to a page indicating that the registration edit was successful and showing the latest team information. Otherwise, you will be redirected to a page which contains an error message. In this case use the browser's back button to return to the edit form, correct the error and resubmit the registration edit.

  7. The master list of all registered teams will update immediately when a registration edit is completed successfully. To verify that a team was modified as desired, press the "View Team Rosters" button on the Registration page of the Mill Cities Relay website. The updated team should appear in the list of all teams. You may have to use your browser refresh button to see recent changes.

Deleting Existing Teams:

  1. Since you can change virtually all information about a registered team other than the club affiliation, it should not be necessary to delete a team unless all of your teams have been registered already and you are trying to cut back on the total number of your teams.

  2. Otherwise just change the information about the team you want to remove to information about a new team that you haven't yet registered.

  3. If you need to delete a team, open the team for editing as described in the previous section and rename the team "delete" without the quotes and with no leading or trailing space characters. The team will be removed from the list of all teams.

  4. The master list of all registered teams will update immediately when the registration edit is completed successfully. To verify that the team was deleted as desired, press the "View Team Rosters" button on the Registration page of the Mill Cities Relay website. The deleted team should no longer appear in the list of all teams. You may have to use your browser refresh button to see recent changes.

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