Phil Quinn Award

Annually, the Mill Cities Alliance recognizes a citizen of the local running community with the Phil Quinn Award for making extraordinary contributions to our sport. The past winners of this prestigious award are listed below. Their dedication, support, commitment and passion for running have improved our sport immensely.

Among our past recipients you will find coaches, race directors, newsletter editors, webmasters, race officials, club officers, writers and most likely a teammate of yours. They are the mortar that holds the organizational bricks of our running community together. These individuals willingly give their time and expertise to make running better for all of us.

Dave CamireBob RandallJack PierceJim GilfordMike Page
1991 Dave Camire - GLRR1992 Bob Randall - WCRC1993 Jack Pierce - GLRR1994 Jim “Gilly” Gilford - GAC1995 Mike Page - NSS
Dave LaBrodeSkip CleaverJean BarryBob ManningSharon Yu
1996 Dave LaBrode - AS1997 Skip Cleaver - GCS1998 Jean Barry - GLRR1999 Bob Manning - WCRC2000 Sharon Yu - AS
Gary FreedmanMike McCormickWarren ChurchCharlie FarringtonMark Coddaire
2001 Gary Freedman - NSS2002 Mike McCormack - WCRC2003 Warren Church - GCS2004 Charlie Farrington - MVS2005 Mark Coddaire - GLRR
Steve BurtonBill FeeneyBill MullenMarshall McCloskey[Steve Moland
2006 Steve Burton - SRR2007 Bill Feeney - SRC2008 Bill Mullen - Lynn Woods XC2009 Marshall McCloskey - MVS2010 Steve Moland - GCS
Glenn StewartJack RembizGeorge LeCoursJohn BarbourJessica Costa
2011 Glenn Stewart - GLRR2012 Jack Rembiz - AS2013 George LeCours - GCS2014 John Barbour - GLRR2015 Jessica Costa - GLRR
Rick Bayko Roger PerhamTom Licciardello 2018Gretchen Wilson 2019Michael  Hartin  2021
2016 Rick Bayko - WCRC2017 Roger Perham - NSS2018 Tom Licciardello - MVS 2019 Gretchen Wilson - SRR 2021 Michael Hartin - Mystic Runners
Joe Abelon 2022Dave Kazanjian 2023John Gorvin 2024
2022 Joe Abelon - Lynn Woods XC2023 Dave Kazanjian - Whirlaway Sports 2024 - John Gorvin - SRR